What would happen to your family if you never made it home from work today?
What is Financial Protection?
Financial Protection is an umbrella term covering Life Insurance, Income Protection, Specified Serious Illness Cover, and Mortgage Protection. On this page, we hope you find enough information, tools, and calculators to help you protect what matters to you.
Table of Contents
Financial Brokers offer a more competitive market
The Competition Authority found that demand for insurance was more price-sensitive in the broker market than through direct channels.
With 1,200 Financial Brokers in Ireland, the six domestic life companies are much more competitive with regard to price, product design, investment performance, and service than they would be if they dealt with advisers who are tied only to them.
Solid financial plans and strategy
Clear. Concise. Professional Advice.
We will conduct a “factfind” to get to know you and your requirements and develop a strategy that meets your goals. To find out more why not schedule a callback to discuss your Financial Protection requirements
Life Insurance
What would happen to your family if you never made it home from work today?
With life insurance, you can make sure your family is protected even if the worst happens to you. It makes sense to take precautions against the financial impact of your death.
We will help you assess your need for life insurance cover. This will depend on your age, family circumstances and lifestyle. Typically you will want your mortgage and any loans cleared.
You may wish to provide a fund for burial and allow your surviving partner to take time off work. You may also want to replace your income for a time while your children are dependent.
What we have learned about life is: things change
Find out how much life insurance cover you need
Income Protection
Income protection provides cover for periods of long absence from
work due to accident or illness. Income protection pays a taxable
income benefit if you are unable to work. The monthly cost of
the policy gives you tax relief at your marginal rate.
Accident or illness. Can’t work. Don’t worry.
The key question with this cover is when should the benefit start paying out? The “deferred period” is usually 13 weeks. This means you must be off work for more than 13 weeks before the insurance kicks in. After that time you are covered up to retirement should your illness or disability last that long.
If your job covers your income for long periods, or if you have significant financial resources to support you, you could take a longer deferred period, which would reduce the cost of the cover. Alternatively, you might seek a shorter deferred period, which is available for certain occupations.
Find out more about Income Protection
Specified Serious Illness Cover
Health is the greatest gift.
Security is the greatest wealth.
Specified illness cover pays a tax-free lump sum in the event you are diagnosed with a number of specified serious illnesses. There are over 40 such illnesses covered on a typical policy.
The chances of a healthy male aged 20-40 suffering a Heart Attack or Stroke before the age of 65 are 1 in 4, and the chances of a healthy female aged 20-40 suffering from Cancer, Heart Attack, or Stroke before the age of 65 is 1 in 5.
Given these figures, it is worth your while to provide financial security against this contingency.
Forsythe Financial Planning will assist you with the form filling and will ensure the policy is set up correctly.
The range of illnesses covered and additional
features of specified illness cover make good advice critical.
Mortgage Protection
Be prepared for anything by expecting the unexpected
In most cases, mortgage protection is a legal requirement. Even if there are exceptions to this legal requirement, the lender will typically insist on the cover. Forsythe Financial Planning can get you the best quality cover at the most competitive cost.
Remember, you are not obliged to deal with the bank that gives you the loan. In fact, it is illegal for a bank to offer you a mortgage on condition you complete insurance with them.
At its most basic, mortgage protection is life insurance that parallels the outstanding mortgage. The cover diminishes alongside the loan (taking assumptions about maximum interest rates on the mortgage over the term).